Dancing in the Ceiling

open windows, no walls

embracing of the wind, I balance myself inside the building’s frame

and faithfully follow the pulse (Ella Mežule)

birds are not silent and dollishly full of saliva

they theoretically disclaim:

“hey, please?! talk to me, psychiatrist!”

I see the apathetic courtesan eyes

on the other side (Rinalds Einiks)


opaque frostwork has covered the window

I know, you are still waiting (Una Valaine)


it would be too early to jump

otherwise, it’s just too late


cheap wine in the attic (Reinis Vējiņš)

with a geometrical technique, I measure the levels of patience with the self

I swing up

and sheathe your knees with mattresses of cast iron (Kristiāna Šuksta)

hard to go on



no breath

cold feet (Dita Kreicberga)

it’s nothing, it’s nothing

in the water, I’ll warm myself up

twirling the cigarette between my fingers (Simona Ozola)

that's it!

will be fine!

blood clogs my skin

the slopes flow full

of imaginary tomorrows (Dita Vīksna)

our forgotten dreams

on the evening seas

in the nicotine gleams (Aigars Kļavinskis)

Sosho of the Renshi:

Madara Gruntmane


Ella Mežule, Rinalds Einiks, Una Valaine, Reinis Vējiņš, Kristiāna Šuksta, Dita Kreicberga, Simona Ozola, Dita Vīksna, Aigars Kļavinskis