How Writers Write Poetry II MOOC-Pack


This MOOC-Pack provides the core content of our past MOOC How Writers Write Poetry II. You can use this MOOC-Pack on your own, or you can use it to lead a writing class or a study group.

Start by clicking on the Welcome Class in the Poetry II MOOC-Pack Page Menu at the left. You will find directions for the welcome video, audio file, and transcript. Then, click on Class 1. You will find directions for the class 1 video, audio file, transcript, assignment, readings, and discussion questions.

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Designed for both beginning and experienced writers, this MOOC-Pack offers a progressive study of the craft of writing poetry. This MOOC-Pack has a welcome class, seven classes, and a farewell class. You can begin with the welcome class and continue in order through classes 1-7 and then to the farewell class.



Christopher Merrill's work has been translated into twenty-five language, his journalism appears in many publications, and his awards include a knighthood in arts and letters from the French government. He has held the William H. Jenks Chair in Contemporary Letters at the College of the Holy Cross, and now directs the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. He serves on the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO and has undertaken cultural diplomacy missions to more than forty countries for the United States Department of State. In April 2012 President Obama appointed Merrill to the National Council on the Humanities. He has published six collections of poetry, including Brilliant Water, and Watch Fire, for which he received the Peter I. B. Lavan Younger Poets Award from the Academy of American Poets; translations of Ales Debeljak's Anxious Moments and The City and the Child; several edited volumes, among them, Forgotten Language: Contemporary Poets and Natureand From the Faraway Nearby: Georgia O'Keefe as Icon; and five books of nonfiction, The Grass of Another Country: A Journey Through the World of Soccer, The Old Bridge: The Third Balkan War and the Age of the Refugee, Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars, Things of the Hidden God: Journey to the Holy Mountain, and The Tree of the Doves: Ceremony, Expedition, War.


Camille Rankine is the author of Incorrect Merciful Impulses, which is her first full-length collection of poetry. The recipient of a 2010 "Discovery"/Boston Review Poetry Prize, she was featured as an emerging poet in the fall 2010 issue of American Poet and the April 2011 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals. Camille earned her BA from Harvard University, and her MFA in Creative Writing from Columbia University. She was selected for a MacDowell Colony Fellowship in 2013, and was named an Honorary Cave Canem Fellow in 2012. She is Assistant Director of the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Manhattanville College, editorial director of The Manhattanville Review, and lives in New York City, where she sings with the band Miru Mir.

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Susannah Shive, IWP Distance Learning & Instructional Administrator
Micah Bateman, IWP Graduate Research Assistant for MOOCs
Jeffrey Lauber, IWP Distance Learning Undergraduate Research Fellow