Every Atom MOOC-Pack

CLASS FOUR: Democracy

Welcome to Class Four: Democracy. Below you will find the materials for this class session in the suggested class progression. You can use these materials to lead or host a study-group or workshop. To download the materials, click the buttons and open the downloaded files.

1. Watch the Video

This is the class four video. Click the button to open it in Vimeo, where you can play the video or click the download button to download it. If you have a weak internet connection, downloading the video will allow you to watch it on your computer or phone without using the internet. If you have trouble playing or downloading the video, you can use one of the alternate options below.


A. You can download the audio-only file from the main video, which is a smaller file size and should be easier to download with a limited internet connection. This will allow you to listen to the video content without streaming or downloading the video.

B. You can view and download the video transcript, which is a text-only file. This will allow you to read the video content without streaming or downloading video and audio.

2. Review the Readings

This MOOC-Pack uses content from the IWP WhitmanWeb, along with other online sources, for its readings and discussion topics. For each section of “Song of Myself” listed below, you will find a discussion question at the bottom of the linked page. You can also find all of these discussion questions collected below under “Discuss Class Four.”

Click the links below to access the readings for Class Four.

3. Browse the Archive Materials

This is a selection of archived content from the Walt Whitman Archive. The following materials are related to the class four video and readings. Click the images to expand them.

4. Discuss Class Four

This is a collection of discussion questions based on the video, readings, and archive materials of Class Four. You can use these questions to lead a discussion of the class content. These discussion questions have been collected from the WhitmanWeb pages linked above under "Review the Readings."